Hello! I'm a full-stack developer based in Winnipeg, Manitoba!
If you'd like to have a chat, contact me on LinkedIn!

Allen Padilla

Developer, Traveler, Ramen Lover

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Hey nice to meet you! My name is Allen, and I've loved coding since I was 7 years old! My first few steps into programming was developing games in a very old app called BYOND. Using it's built in DreamMaker program.

Going through web development courses at Red River College I found a love for creating and designing web applications, and now I'm trying to push my skills further!


1999Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
2019Received Honours for Business Information Technology at Red River College
2020Full-stack Developer at Computers for Schools Manitoba
2022 - PresentIT Support at Manitoba Metis Federation


PHP | Laravel | Xampp

My first professional project was to create a simple pure PHP database app. With very little knowledge from school, I read, learned and grew my knowledge of PHP tremendously.

This database was later recognized by the Executive Director, where it transitioned from my own simple PHP framework to a full application using Laravel used by all Manitoba locations.

JavaScript (ES6) | jQuery | React

I first learned JavaScript in 2017 when I was in Web Development classes at Red River College, using only Vanilla JS and basic DOM manipulation.

To continue my growth I started learning from all types of resources. From the CSX CodeSmith program relearning the basics (Callbacks, Closure & Scope, Recursion, and Asynchronous JavaScript), working through The Odin Project and it's JavaScript sections, to reading official documentation on React, and Next.js.

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